Home Desktop SEM − Scanning Electron Microscopy Semplor NANOS Tabletop SEM

Semplor NANOS Tabletop SEM

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Manufacturer: Semplor

The NANOS offers SEM imaging at a low cost of ownership for high-resolution imaging and integrated energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) for rapid elemental analysis. It is designed for easy installation, ease of use and easy servicing.

  • High Performance SE & 4 Quad BSE Detectors
  • EDX ‒ Spot Analysis & Element Mapping
  • Low Vacuum Capability
  • Motorised XY Stage & Eucentric Tilt
  • Filament Performance Optimisation
  • Easy to Use GUI
  • Low Service Costs

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NANOS  ̶̶  the Microscope
The NANOS is a comprehensive and affordable tabletop scanning electron microscope (SEM). It is engineered using the latest technology, giving fast and high quality SEM images and elemental analysis. Its design is robust and modern, which makes it perfect for research & development, educational and industrial usage.

The NANOS comes with both a Secondary Electron Detector (SED) and a Back Scattered Electron Detector (BSD) as standard. The BSD is a 4-quadrant detector with fully controllable independent segments. By utilizing 
the segments in different combinations, it provides compositional or topographical detail from the sample, as well as images with a ‘shading-effect’ by highlighting  the surface from multiple directions.
An Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) is installed for Elemental Analysis.

Elemental Analysis
The NANOS comes with a fully integrated Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) Silicon Drift Detector (SDD). Via the User Interface operator can select EDX Point Analysis or activate Elemental Mapping.

Eucentric Stage
The Eucentric Stage of the NANOS is truly the only one of its kind. It comes standard with the NANOS. The motorized XY movements can be controlled via the User Interface. Tilting the specimen while in SEM mode can be done by manually turning the stage. Thanks to the eucentric design, the sample stays in focus without the need for intermediate changes in SEM settings. The User Interface indicates the exact tilt angle. Samples can be tilted up to angles of 55 ̊. 

Navigation Camera
At sample entry an optical image of the sample is made to serve as navigation image. It provides an image of the complete sample. Via the User Interface the user can easily navigate over the sample. It gives the user full control and even in high magnification they always know where they are looking at.

Low-Vacuum Microscopy Reduces Sample Charging
Specimens are observed in high vacuum SEM (conventional SEM) or in low vacuum (low-vacuum SEM). The low-vacuum is used to reduce or eliminate the effects of sample charging. When a non-conductive sample is observed under a high-vacuum state, electrons accumulate on the sample surface causing a charging phenomenon. The NANOS is equipped with low-vacuum mode to overcome this.

User Interface
SEM’s are about imaging and the NANOS puts the image at the centre of the screen. The NANOS is simple to set up and with an intuitive GUI and requires minimal training to begin imaging samples.  The software offers both Basic mode for those requiring a quick & simple start to SEM imaging and Advanced mode for in-depth sample analysis. The user is in full control of the NANOS via wireless scroll mouse & keyboard and can be set up to operate remotely controlled via an iPad or similar device. The Navigation Camera, (NavCam) is always enabled ensuring the user knows exactly where they are on their sample.

Accelerating Voltages
Adjustable accelerating voltage between 1kV to 20kV ensures high speed EDS analysis and mapping for identifying elements in your samples.

The NANOS has been developed with service at the core of its design. Removable panels, modular components, a single control board and few moving parts keep service requirements to a minimum. Much can be undertaken by the user. Unique for the NANOS is that there are no moving parts within the vacuum chamber. Due to this smart design the risk for contamination has been eliminated.

Electron Source
The robust thermionic electron source in the NANOS is a tungsten filament controlled by electro-magnetic coil lenses & electrostatic deflectors. Using the optional ‘eco’-setting, the filament lifetime can be extended up to hundreds of hours and still generate high resolution images. Any user can replace the electron source with a simple alignment tool, ensuring a minimum downtime. No need to wait for a service engineer to replace an expensive source. 



Optical SEM


Magnification range: 2 – 12x Magnification range: 50 – 200,000x

<10 nm



Bright field



Optimized thermionic source (tungsten)


Acceleration voltages

Default: 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 15 & 20 kV



Adjustable range between 1 & 20kV



Secondary electron detector (SED)



Backscattered electron detector (BSD) – 4 quadrant



Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy detector (EDS) – integrated



Colour navigation camera






Communication, imaging and analysis use a single monitor with control via a wireless mouse & keyboard



Remote control (eg iPad) enabled



Basic & advanced modes



Network, USB, workstation



Eucentric tilt stage (-15 up to +40 ̊)



Computer-controlled motorized X, Y: 25 x 25 mm



25 mm diameter pin stub



60 mm diam round disk


Detector type

Silicon Drift Detector (SDD), thermo-electrically cooled


Detector active area

30 mm2


Energy resolution

@ Mn Kα <133 eV


Max. input count rate

300,000 cps


Hardware integration

Fully embedded



Integrated in NANOS user interface



EDS analysis and mapping



Export functions


Imaging module

280 (w) x 630 (d) x 550 (h)



60 kg



Turbo molecular pump with oil free membrane pre-vacuum pump


Vacuum modes

High vacuum SEM (conventional SEM), and low vacuum (0.1 – 1 mbar) (low vac SEM)



Controlled vacuum levels via the User Interface



Preconfigured All-in-One PC with a 27” monitor. SEM imaging and EDS Analysis software installed.

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