Quantum & Computing

  1. Advanced Microwave Topics for Quantum Physicists

    Mark Elo, US National Sales Manager, Tabor Electronics RF and Microwave theory sits on the shoulders of Maxwell, and Hertz with the theoretical development of the connection between electricity and magnetism that started in the early 1800s. Today the use of RF and Microwave radios are ubiquitous, used by everyone every day, but still, the subject remains complex and takes...
  2. A New Paradigm for the Classical to Quantum Computing Interface

    By Joan Mercade, Field Application Engineer, Tabor Electronics New trends in RF/µW signal generation and acquisition and real-time closed-loop control for classical to quantum computing interfacing. The Classical/Quantum Interface in the figure below is implemented by the Proteus AWT (Arbitrary Waveform Transceiver). The figure below depicts how the Proteus AWT can be used to control multiple Qubits in an operational...

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