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  1. Elastic strain measurements

    High-resolution electron backscatter diffraction Backscatter electron contrast images (left) and elastic strain (Ɛxx normal strain component) maps (right) associated with the ɣ/ɣ’ interfaces in Ni-superalloy measured by high-resolution electron backscatter diffraction technique. Data were collected from the same area after mechanical polishing and after broad argon ion beam milling. High-resolution electron backscatter diffraction (HR-EBSD) strain measurements are very sensitive to...
  2. HAROGIC Technologies introduces the SAE-200

    HAROGIC Technologies, a company that develops miniaturized, high-performance RF test instruments, has introduced the SAE-200, a USB-based real-time spectrum analyser that operates from 9 kHz to 20 GHz with a 100 MHz bandwidth. It is an advanced RF instrument that meets the SWaP-C requirements - (S) Small Size, (W) Lightweight, weighs less than 200 g, (P) high-performance and (C) The unit costs £7,500...
  3. Modular, mode-hop free solutions using external cavity Littman configurations

    Apex Technologies external cavity Littman tunable laser sources offer high performance across a wide tuning range, with high output power and high signal-to-noise ratio. Each laser chassis is designed to incorporate between 1 and 4 separate tunable laser options from the T-band to the extended C+L band. With each laser module covering a 110nm mode-hop-free tuning span and narrow linewidth...
  4. Controlled specimen thinning - Ar ion beam milling of a specimen prepared by Xe plasma FIB

    Cross-section and plan view specimens from a GeTe-based phase change memory device prepared using the Xe plasma focused ion beam tool (Xe pFIB), followed by concentrated Ar ion beam milling. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) data from the cross-section specimen confirms the removal of Xe pFIB damage after Ar ion beam milling from the marked area (yellow rectangle) in the...
  5. Gimbal Piston Isolator Performance

    The Gimbal Piston® Air Isolator provides outstanding isolation in all directions for even the lowest input levels. It is lightly damped and highly responsive to typical, low-amplitude ambient floor vibrations, yet achieves very high damping for gross transient disturbances, such as sudden load changes or bumping the top plate. The result is that Gimbal Piston Isolators provide superior isolation yet...
  6. Direct CPA-Free Pulse Amplification

    In the ever-evolving landscape of photonics, the seamless integration of ultra-low noise seeders and high performance amplifiers has become paramount for unlocking new frontiers in research and industry. This application note explores the capabilities of Menhir Photonics advanced laser technology and neoLASE amplifier systems, designed to deliver unprecedented power and energy scaling providing flexibility, and reliability for applications in nonlinear...
  7. Optical Assemblies

    Telescopes ZYGO have developed products over a wide range of telescope designs including refractive, reflective and catadioptric, with apertures sizes from 75 mm to 500 mm, incorporating glass, ceramic and metal optical materials. Their primary focus is in the UV-VIS-SWIR wavelength range. Product history includes: Rugged high performance ISR lenses for UAV and other airborne applications wide thermal range wide...
  8. Straight Edges

    Straight edges are precision machined and polished structures used as a physical or optical reference surface.  ZYGO manufactures extreme precision straight edges from low CTE (coefficient of thermal expansion) materials, achieving tolerances up to 1,000 times better than a machinist’s straight edge.  Fabrication, coating, and metrology are all performed by ZYGO.  Custom Shapes and Sizes Rectangular, square, L-shaped or other...
  9. Custom Beamsplitters

    ZYGO specializes in providing large format, complex beamsplitters for use in aerospace, defense, and research applications.  All beamsplitters are custom made per your design.  Their interdisciplinary optics team will work closely with you to ensure manufacturability while still meeting stringent specifications. The ZYGO Advantage Engineering, fabrication, metrology, coating all under one roof Specializing in large beamsplitters, typically 4” to greater...
  10. Optical Mirrors

    ZYGO creates precision optical mirrors using stringently-controlled fabrication processes, enabling them to function reliably in a variety of extreme environments. Their mirrors are found underwater, in deserts, at high altitudes and orbiting the earth. They customize every mirror to meet or exceed your requirements. Mirrors can also be light-weighted for applications where weight is critical, as is common in aerospace applications.  Light-weighting is a process...

Items 1 to 10 of 158 total
