High-resolution electron backscatter diffraction

Backscatter electron contrast images (left) and elastic strain (Ɛxx normal strain component) maps (right) associated with the ɣ/ɣ’ interfaces in Ni-superalloy measured by high-resolution electron backscatter diffraction technique. Data were collected from the same area after mechanical polishing and after broad argon ion beam milling.

High-resolution electron backscatter diffraction (HR-EBSD) strain measurements are very sensitive to diffraction pattern quality. Aside from intrinsic instrumentation limitations, sample preparation factors prominently into the accuracy and precision attained in HR-EBSD strain analyses. Surface contamination, oxidation, crystal lattice damage, and plastic deformation must be avoided during sample preparation to obtain accurate and precise measurements.

Broad Ar ion beam milling sample preparation using Fischione Instruments’ Model 1061 SEM Mill or Model 1062 TrionMill yields a lower average strain (up to two orders of magnitude) in comparison to mechanical polishing. Some grains accumulated more strain during mechanical polishing, which was attributed to the introduction of dislocations by plastic deformation. This is a result of local interactions with abrasives under the associated complex mechanical loading geometries during mechanical polishing.

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Learn more:
Webinar: Model 1062 TrionMill
Nowakowski, P., Wiezorek, J., Spinelli, I., Ray, M., & Fischione, P. (2019). Elastic and plastic strain measurement using electron backscatter diffraction technique: The influence of sample preparationMicroscopy and Microanalysis, 25(S2), 534-535.
Nowakowski, P., Wiezorek, J., Bathula, V., Mielo, S., Khanal, S., Bonifacio, C., & Fischione, P. (2018). SEM and TEM characterization of plastic deformation structures in aluminum by EBSD, TKD, and PED-based orientation imaging techniquesMicroscopy and Microanalysis, 24(S1), 2182-2183.
Nowakowski, P., Ray, M., & Fischione, P. (2022). Metrology of sample preparation for electron microscopy: Application to strain measurementsMicroscopy and Microanalysis, 28(S1), 768-770.

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